from [27-28/-3-2022]

A two-day summit of talks, activities, and Conference

Day 1

A brief description of Day 1

Day 2

A brief description of Day 2

The conference aims to

  1. Explore the ability of researchers on how could they manage the impacts of drought and water scarcity and their ecological consequences in Kurdistan region of Iraq.

  2. Build a database of the damages caused by drought in Garmain and Kurdistan in order to help decision makers to find proper solutions to reduce the damages.

  3. Show the impact range of frequently happened drought on water resources in Kurdistan.

  4. Conserve natural resources in the Kurdistan and achieve the concept of sustainability.

  5. Find out the impacts of drought on the component of ecology in Garmian region and Kurdistan.

Conference themes

  1. Drought and water resources

  2. Drought and desertification

  3. Drought and agricultural sector

  4. Economic, social, and health consequences of drought

  5. Impacts of climate change on drought

  6. Drought management methods and treatment.

  7. Impacts of drought on natural resources.

Registration and publication fees

Accepted papers will be publish in Journal of University of Garmian (UoG). Prior to that, all submitted manuscripts will undergo peer review process. The criteria for a paper to be sent for peer-review are that the results seem novel, interesting, and that the work described has both immediate and far-reaching implications.

Registration fee for participating with a paper in conference (physically attending or via zoom) will be 100.000 ID (Iraqi dinar). The fee will also cover accommodation, getting participating certificate, and peer-review fee.

A caption about what event attendees can expect

Scientific committee

[Prof. Dr. Sulaiman Abdulla Ismail ]

University of Salahaddin- Erbil


[Prof. Dr. Jumma Ali Dai ]

University of Garmian


[Asst. Prof. Soran Hama Amin ]

University of Sulaimani


[Asst. Prof. Ramadan Hamza Mohammed]

University of Duhok


[Asst. Prof. Loqman Wso Omar ]

University of Koya


[Asst. Prof. Rezan Omar Rashid ]

University of Sulaimani


[Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Khalil ]

University of Garmian


Preparatory committee

[Prof. Dr. Omed Barzan Brzo ]

Salahaddin- Erbil


[Asst. Prof. Laith Mahmud Zankana ]

University of Garmian


[Asst. Prof. Yassin Ashor Jawhar ]

University of Garmian


[Dr. Niran Ali Hussein ]

University of Garmian


[Dr. Abdulmotalib Rafat Sarhad ]

University of Garmian


[Mr. Othman Abdulrahman Ali ]

University of Garmian


[Mr. Kamaran Mohammed Tawfiq]

University of Garmian


Important dates

  1. Conference announcement: 07/08/2021

  2. Initial submission for abstract: 08/08/2021

  3. Deadline for abstracts submission: 11/05/2021

  4. Acceptance notification for abstracts: 22/11/2021

  5. Deadline for full paper submission: 01/02/2022

  6. Acceptance notification for full paper: 15/03/2022

  7. Convene date of conference: 27-28/3/2022

Contact information

E-mail for submitting abstracts:

WhatsApp or Phone: +964774-087-5352

Conference location: Kalar/Kurdistan region of Iraq.

Let us know if you'll be attending!